Home Feel Bigger!

As spring approaches, many homeowners get the urge to purge. The fresh air often inspires them to make changes, whether it’s throwing away unneeded household goods or emptying every kitchen drawer for a full wipe-down. Spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to interior design, however. If you’re itching for something new but don’t want to blow your entire budget, consider the following décor tips for freshening up your home space without a lot of effort.
1. Declutter
When you start with a blank slate, it’s a lot easier to make design choices. However, a home has to be lived in, so it’s not always easy to get rid of everything and start over. Instead, simply decluttering can help. Stacks of papers, baskets full of magazines and even some much-loved pieces of furniture can clutter up a space, making it hard to enjoy being there. As you survey the room you’re refreshing, decide whether you need everything in there. Some pieces can be moved into a different space, which can, in turn, change up that room’s look and feel. Just be sure you don’t throw out something that you could use elsewhere.
2. Consider a New Focal Point
If you have always had your furniture set up in the same way, it may be time to change it up. Large pieces of furniture, such as couches, consoles and coffee tables, often serve as focal points in a home space. When you rearrange, you can completely change the feel of a room. For example, instead of having all of your seating facing a television or fireplace, try creating conversation areas that promote mingling between guests or family members.
3. Buy Something New
Sometimes all it takes to refresh a room is a new piece of furniture. You don’t even have to go big and get a new sectional or entertainment center. Something as simple as a side table or reading lamp can update a space enough that it feels brand new. If you have the budget, a comfy armchair can be the ideal seating option that you’ve been looking for. Those on a budget may want to consider a new slipcover for their couches. A simple color change can freshen up the entire design of a room.
It is often tempting to think you need to completely overhaul a room in order to refresh it. Instead, simple changes and design choices can make a big impact. If you would like help from a professional designer, contact Design Depot today.